Ruff Day Vet + Pet Gym. Pet Acupuncture, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine

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Resource - Quality of Life Monitoring Calendar

Color coded calendars are helpful for monitoring the trends in your pet's condition over time, and for helping encourage family conversation about your pet's life. Monitoring by color is subjective in nature, so I like to ask myself one question only when considering the color to choose for the day: was my pet happy to be alive today? Check out the resource on Quality of Life Assessments if you need help answering this question for your pet.

  • Green days reflect days where your pet is happy to be here.

  • Yellow days are days in which your pet struggles to maintain happiness, but those struggles are manageable and we can keep them pretty happy despite their struggles.

  • Red days are days in which your pet is struggling to be happy, and there's little we can do to help them. Red days are NOT days in which your pet is struggling to breathe, or otherwise survive. Our goal in maintaining this calendar is to identify the right time to say goodbye before a pet reaches this critical stage of suffering.