Prepare for your Visit

Appointment Reminders

Please make sure that you are able to receive reminders.

  • Our system sends automated reminders of upcoming appointments. 

  • If you are not receiving reminder emails in your inbox, please check your spam folder. You can add and to your email’s safe list if this is an issue.

  • If there are any others in your party who would benefit from receiving reminders, please let us know to add them to our list.

Scheduled Time Parameters

Initial consultations provide pets, owners, and Ruff Day staff the opportunity to get acquainted, to share valuable information, and to build trust through a shared experience and require ample time. 90 minutes is the length of a standard consultation, which is suitable for most patients. 

  • For patients who present with complex challenges or need extra time to get comfortable we may choose to recommend the Extended Initial Consultation, which lasts 120 minutes.

Preparing your Pet

Get some energy out: Many dogs benefit from having a short walk before their visit, and movement that helps them to get the blood moving, and wakes up the connection between their mind and body. The business park where we are located has wide roads and patches of grass that you can walk your dog safely on leash, but please mind the traffic.

Hunger and motivation: We tend to use treats to help make friends and provide incentives to pets to participate in their own care. Providing a smaller meal before their visit can work well for many pets, and if they accept their food as treats we can utilize the reserved portion to work in our favor.

  • Small treats (about the size of a kibble or Tic Tac) allow us to provide a lot of reward for fewer calories than large treats

    • Treats that can easily be broken into smaller pieces

    • Some treats can be cut into pieces ahead of time

  • Long lasting treats that encourage steady licking - we have frozen baby food for sale at the gym, and can offer advice on how to make frozen peanut butter and pumpkin treats at home

  • Alternative: if your dog works well for a particular toy or for a specific owner/family member, we can use this to our advantage to incentivize cooperation

Laser sound desensitization: We may use therapeutic laser during part of your visit. The laser makes an intermittent beeping noise which can be off putting to sound-sensitive animals. If you would like to prepare your pet in advance, here is a sound recording of the aforementioned beep:

Getting your pet from Parking to the Pet Gym

While inside of the Pet Gym, pets are encouraged to move around off leash and free of restriction. However, until you are inside of our office:

  • ALL dogs must be on a leash at all times in the parking areas, grass areas, and walkways of the complex. 

  • Cats must be brought in a carrier, or on a leash and harness if they’re well trained and manageable by the owner.

  • Helpful hint: If you require assistance to convey your pet from your car to our office, please contact us well in advance so that we have sufficient time to agree on a safe plan.

Potty Considerations

Before: You can help your pet by taking them for a short walk and allowing them to do their business before entering, which can provide a more comfortable experience off the bat.

During: If you think your pet is doing the potty dance, don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll let them out for a break.

After: Acupuncture and activity can stimulate eliminatory urges, so please offer your pet a chance to use the restroom before your ride home. If your pet is unable to make it to the grass, or other issues arise, please let us know so we can help. We understand that accidents happen, and appreciate your help with keeping our space pleasantly maintained!

  • Ultimately, pet owners are responsible for the cleanup of any pet-related messes outside the Ruff Day Pet Gym, including any feces and/or vomit left by pets on grassy areas, parking areas, and/or walkways, and any urine puddles created in parking areas or walkways.

  • We are happy to provide poop bags and/or any necessary cleaning supplies, as well as assistance. Just let us know!

When should you show up? 

Enter the office no sooner than 5 minutes early. We work hard to start and end right on time, so you don’t have to wait. This also prevents you from interrupting another pet and owner’s appointment.

  • Allow other pets a chance to exit the office more comfortably, and for staff to clean and prepare for your visit.

  • Please do not enter if the sign on the door is red and the door is closed - we are likely still in an appointment.

  • Helpful hint: If you arrive early, many guests elect to wait in their cars. Please note that we have no indoor waiting area.

Can you bring another person or pet to an appointment?

Fewer visitors in the gym improves the efficiency of our operation, improving the quality of attention we are able to provide, in addition to lessening the risk of transmissible disease. 

  • Limit the Initial Consultation to two owners per appointment.

  • Please do not bring additional pets to appointments.

  • If you would like to discuss the need for accommodation for any special circumstances, please contact us prior to your appointment and we will do our best to meet your individual needs.

Checklist: what to bring

Here are a few useful things you can bring with you:

  • Leash (mandatory) - though your pet may be great off leash, other dogs and owners who we may not know and cannot vouch for may be present. 

  • Treats or a favorite toy for motivation.

  • Mobility aids - if you have a harness, wheelchair, brace, or other device that is currently in use, or that you are considering using, it can be helpful to take a look together.

  • Incontinence response kit - waste bags, paper towels, wet wipes, potty pads, and any other materials that can help contain any accidents that may arise in transport.

  • List of questions, concerns, goals or objectives - especially if the primary caretaker is not able to attend the consultation. 

  • Medication list - including medication names, size/concentration, and directions

    • Food, treat, and supplement list - including feeding / administration frequency and amounts.

    • Hint: photos of medication, supplements, food, and treats is an easy way to quickly capture important information.

  • Photos, videos or a map of your pet’s environment 

    • Capture and note concerning mobility issues of your pet.

    • Capture and note difficulties navigating their home environment.

    • Make a map of your pet’s environment and take note of areas of difficulty, or other concerns. Simple drawings are completely OK!

  • Note taking materials - You likely have many questions, and we provide a lot of information. Many clients use their phone to type notes, take photos or video, or take physical notes. Please ask before filming anything done in our office.

During the Appointment

Pet Comfort: Notify us for potty breaks or if your pet appears uncomfortable.

  • Accidents do happen, but please help us minimize cost and disruption by proactively monitoring your pet for “the potty dance”.

Treats: We use small treats to minimize calorie intake and can offer advice on homemade treats

  • Please bring treats that will work to motivate (or bribe) your pets. This is how we can get them to agree to acupuncture, laser, working out, etc.


Due at the time of service, we accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards. 

  • There is a $5 cash discount to redirect fees charged by credit card companies so we may pass savings along to you. 

  • Prices are subject to change at any time without notice.


If your pet is covered by a pet insurance policy, many of the therapies provided by Ruff Day may be covered. We recommend checking with your provider to see if physical rehabilitation services can be reimbursed through your policy. 

  1. Pet insurance companies operate on a reimbursement platform, meaning you will still need to provide me with payment for my services, then your insurance company will reimburse you after the claim is submitted.

  2. Our involvement with insurance companies is limited to providing you with the documentation required for reimbursement (records and receipts, generally).

  3. Aside from providing standard documentation that will allow for a claim to be processed, we are unable to assist you with troubleshooting issues that may arise as part of an insurance provider’s work. This task falls to the insurance policy holder and their insurance company.

  4. If you have questions, want to learn more about pet insurance, or are experiencing challenges with your insurer, Washington State’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner has useful information on their website

Scheduled Time Parameters

Initial consultations provide pets, owners, and Ruff Day staff the opportunity to get acquainted, to share valuable information, and to build trust through a shared experience and require ample time. 

  • 90 minutes is the length of a standard consultation, which is suitable for most patients. 

Cancellations and Rescheduling

If you need to cancel your appointment, please inform us at least 72 hours in advance but we greatly appreciate it if you inform us as early as you can in advance of any scheduling changes. This allows us to accommodate other patients who need our help. Late schedule changes prevent others from receiving care and negatively impact our business.

  • Cancellations or rescheduling with less than 72 hours' notice: Subject to a last-minute cancellation fee of 25% of the appointment cost.

  • Cancellations or rescheduling within 48 hours: Charged 50% of the appointment cost.

  • Cancellations or rescheduling within 24 hours and no-shows: Charged 100% of the appointment cost.

By rescheduling or canceling your appointment as early as possible, you help us provide timely care to all our clients and maintain our practice's efficiency.

Late Arrivals

We understand that delays can happen. However, to respect the time of all our clients and staff:

  • Arriving 5-10 minutes late: Your appointment may be shortened to fit the remaining time.

  • Arriving more than 10 minutes late: You may need to reschedule, and a no-show fee may apply.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. By adhering to these policies, you help us deliver the best possible care to all our furry patients. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please contact us as soon as possible.

Health and Safety

Ruff Day Vet may require the use of masks under certain circumstances in order to mitigate health risks and to support the common defense of our local community.

Though the COVID 19 Public Health Emergency has expired, there are many practices that will remain in place to provide safety and security. In addition to maintaining a high rate of air circulation, regular cleaning of the office, and maintaining a focus on safety, we will maintain a mask policy that aims to protect pets, clients and staff at Ruff Day. Our scheduling policies remain in place:

  1. Ruff Day's last-minute cancellation fee will be waived if you are ill and cannot make it to the appointment. If you are feeling under the weather and the online cancellation window has passed (12 hours prior to your appointment), please text or call the office (253-252-0127) to cancel any scheduled appointments. We will reschedule once you're feeling better. 

  2. If you have been exposed to coronavirus or any illness that may be highly transmissible and/or concerning, even if you are feeling fine, please text or call to discuss any scheduled appointments. We are a very small practice, with only Dr. Heather to see patients. If we are exposed to illness unnecessarily, it negatively impacts the care of every one of our patients.

  3. If you are coughing or sneezing due to illness, please wear a mask.

  4. If you are an older adult, have chronic medical conditions that make you higher risk, have a compromised immune system, or are a caretaker for any individuals like this, please make us aware of any special needs you have prior to visiting so we have time to discuss your personal situation and prioritize your safety. 

  5. If we are not masking and you would feel more comfortable with us in masks, we will happily accommodate this request.

  6. If Ruff Day staff are feeling sick, we will call or text you to reschedule your appointment to a later date.

Please help us to keep all who visit Ruff Day Vet safe, so that we can maximize our chances of maintaining good health, and thank you!

Expectations for Communication

As a two person team, we are only able to provide high quality service and meet the needs of running a small, independently operated veterinary practice by running efficiently. Please help us by doing the following: 

Text or email us: During business hours, we are most readily available to communicate by text or email, as we are often tied up in appointments, meetings, and critical administrative duties.

Phone: Please do not call us for standard scheduling tasks that you are able to perform yourself. We encourage you to self-schedule appointments on our website or use confirmation emails to cancel, and reschedule.

  • For urgent requests, feel free to give us a call. This includes emergencies or unexpected issues that may require a last-minute appointment.

  • If you require a phone call to discuss detailed or personal matters, please text or email us to schedule a time to talk by phone.

  • Responses to correspondence may take up to one business week (depending on circumstances).

Days Off

We are able to provide high quality veterinary service because we honor our needs for rest and recovery, practicing the very medicine that we preach to our patients and clients.

  • Much of our closed time is spent working on improving our business’ systems and operations, and necessary to run a healthy, resilient business.

  • If you contact us on our days off (typically Thursday, Friday and Saturday), you will not hear from us until we are back in the office

  • If you or your pet are experiencing an emergency, please do not wait for a response from us to act and get appropriate help.