Zamora and Emily

Dr. Heather, can you set the stage for us about Zamora’s situation?

Zamora came to see us after being diagnosed with Wobbler Syndrome, a chronic spinal cord disease very common to Dobermans, Great Danes, and other large and giant breed dogs. We started her on several therapies, as we do with all Neurological patients, but she unfortunately suffered an acute disc extrusion secondary to her spinal cord condition, and had to have an aggressive neck surgery. We pivoted to post-operative Neurological rehabilitation in her, continuing to use every therapy Zamora would tolerate to help her improve. Fast forward one year and Zamora, while not walking quite normally, was highly capable, strong, and pain-free. She formally graduated from her rehabilitation program, but continues to see us every few months to ensure she’s staying healthy and physically fit. She enjoys 4-6 mile hikes, sometimes with over 2000 feet of elevation change, and leads a very active lifestyle with her equally active and highly dedicated humans. I think we love working with Zamora just as much as she loves coming to the Pet Gym for her workouts!

We asked Zamora’s family to share some information about their experience with Ruff Day.

Can you share a brief story about your pet's health journey and how our team has helped you during your visits?

Zamora was diagnosed with wobblers and the team at Ruff Day Vet worked with her every step of the way in her recovery from her surgery from wobblers. They tended to her with care and love and would modify the care to best suit her conditions that day, they not only helped her walk again but continue to help her with mobility and strength, even two plus years later. They have helped with other small medical issues that have come up and have been such a useful tool and source of support throughout the entire time.

What specific services or treatments did your pet receive at Ruff Day Vet?

Acupuncture, laser and physical therapy exercises

What do you appreciate most about the care your pet has received, and how has their health and well-being improved since starting treatment with us?

The attention to detail, the love for my dog you guys give. Zamora literally couldn’t walk when we first started going to you guys and now she runs and hikes again.

Are there any standout moments or milestones during your time with Ruff Day Vet?

Zamora walking the plank (Note from Ruff Day - this is an advanced balance and coordination exercise, a big deal for a dog with Zamora’s history to be able to accomplish!)

What advice or encouragement would you give to other pet owners considering our services?

I tell everyone about Ruff Day Vet and anytime I hear someone saying something about their dog’s mobility I recommend you guys. Worth every penny!

Do you have any personal anecdotes or special memories involving your pet that you’d like to share?

We love you guys and are so thankful for all the work and love you have given Zamora.


Henry And Susan