Oso and Jenny

Oso the Golden Retriever finds pain relief and improves his mobility by trotting confidently over Cavaletti poles.

Dr. Heather, can you set the stage for us about Oso’s situation?

Oso first came to see me as a 4 year old when he started having visible signs of pain at home. He had been diagnosed with hip dysplasia at a young age and his humans naturally assumed his hips were starting to cause him pain. We actually discovered several sources of pain in Oso’s spine in his initial exam, leading us to believe his hip dysplasia wasn’t his only musculoskeletal problem. We sent him to his primary care Vet for spinal x-rays, where he was diagnosed with spondylosis in all of the areas of his spine that were painful. Due to Oso’s young age, complicated nature of his pain condition, and extreme compliance as a very, very good patient, we utilize every modality available to us to help keep his pain controlled. Patients who are dealing with chronic pain do not have the luxury of one silver bullet that takes away the pain - they must rely on multimodal pain management. Fortunately for Oso, we have been able to treat him with acupuncture, Estim, TENS, PEMF, laser, shock wave, and exercise-based therapy, with minimal usage of prescription medications, all of which contribute to high quality living for Oso, and for the rest of his family on two legs and four!

We asked Oso’s family to tell us about their experience with Ruff Day Vet.

Can you share a brief story about your pet's health journey and how our team has helped you during your visits?

Oso is a 7 year old, pure bread Golden Retriever who was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at a year old. He has severe allergies to include both food and environmental, which severely impact his skin, coat, and gastrointestinal tract. About two years ago Oso was diagnosed with moderate to severe Spondylosis in the neck and spine. There have been days where he has experienced difficulty with even the smallest of movements, other days it’s obvious he is in severe pain. Finding Ruff Day has made a HUGE difference in the quality of Oso’s life. He now has only occasional painful days, while the mass majority are pain free. He is able to run and play with his brother and sister like a normal dog. I’m so thankful for Dr. Misener and Ruff Day Vet Services, because he can be a dog who’s mostly pain free, happy, and active once more.

What specific services or treatments did your pet receive at Ruff Day Vet?

Laser, Acupuncture, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Therapy), Shockwave

What do you appreciate most about the care your pet has received, and how has their health and well-being improved since starting treatment with us?

Oso is always excited with his visit, he loves both Dr. Misener, and Adam. Oso is once again active, happy, and pain free.

Are there any standout moments or milestones during your time with Ruff Day Vet?

From watching Oso being a couch potato who only moved when he had to, to running and playing like a real dog.

What advice or encouragement would you give to other pet owners considering our services?

Dr. Misener and Ruff Day Vet Services are true miracle workers. I especially love Oso’s treatment because it’s with a hands on approach, rather than a prescription.

Do you have any personal anecdotes or special memories involving your pet that you’d like to share?

Because of Oso’s medical conditions, I never thought he would make it to 7 years old. I still remember our very first visit to Ruff Day Vet Services several years ago, and feeling like this was the miracle I was looking for to help my special boy. I think I look forward to our treatment days as much as Oso.


Henry And Susan