Ruff Day Vet + Pet Gym. Pet Acupuncture, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine

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Dachshund Success! How Rizzo went from "Back Pain" to "Mobility Gains"

It's high time you all met Rizzo, who was one of Ruff Day's very first referrals when we opened last Fall, and quickly became a Ruff Day mascot!

When I met Rizzo, he had just suffered a herniated disc in his back--a very common disease in Dachshunds and other short-legged, long-backed breeds. He was paralyzed in his hind end, and his back hurt so badly that he would scream out in anticipation if you simply walked in his direction.

Some of these patients undergo an aggressive spinal surgery to release the pressure on the spinal cord, but whether these patients go to surgery or not, I cannot emphasize enough how important acupuncture and rehabilitation are in the treatment of this condition!

His humans were very dedicated, and immediately signed him up for both the Acupuncture and the Medical Fitness service (like physical therapy for pets) offered by Ruff Day. They followed every single home exercise recommendation, sometimes doing upwards of 20-30 minutes of Vet-directed exercise with him a day, every day.

Acupuncture has been an essential treatment for Rizzo. Not only does it treat the body's perception of pain and all of the tissue tightness like I've discussed, but it also treats the neurological injury itself to help promote spinal cord healing.

Spoiler alert, Rizzo is walking again! We're still treating him, and he still has some healing left to do, and some function left to gain, but his story has been truly inspiring to all of us who have gotten to know him! When we reopen Medical Fitness, you'll get to see a whole lot more of Rizzo on here, so stay tuned!